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Thursday, August 23, 2012

YES WE CAN! ... Raise gas prices that is.

Okay, so this is one that enervates me to where I must write about it. Now this may have occurred back in like February but a recent share of the cartoon below re-sparked my anger and now that I am blogging about issues of the day here I go:
The energy secretary of the United States, Steven Chu, actually said that the goal is to get gas prices to the same level as the European communities.* His idea and the 'progressive' line of thought is that more expensive gasoline will wean America off of oil. The foolishness of this idea is astounding. Firstly, in order for that to even come close to working everyone in the U.S. would have to live within a 5 - 10 mile radius of a major city to be able to use public transportation, otherwise they would have to use their own vehicle, thus continuing our dependence on oil. We have a lot more land to travel across to get our produce from point A to point B in this country than they do in Europe. The absurd notion that we can function that same way as most of Europe is astounding. I will stop with this first step and won't even continue trying to come up with a plan where raising gas prices would even come close to working because it is a waste of time and effort. Until we have alternate fuel sources that are viable and economical we have to use oil. Case closed by sheer impossible logistics. The clip I have linked to here has a great comment; "When you are literally doubling the price of gasoline how does that strengthen the economy?" A great question to which Steven Chu and Mr. Obama have no answers. Watch this; Steven Chu said what?!?

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