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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Muslims ARE Exempt From Paying For Healthcare!

Healthcare Turned On It's Head
The left managed to quiet this tidbit because the people making the accusations didn't do their homework and couldn't back their claims since the verbiage they were referring to didn't exist and wasn't in the document where they were referencing. I have taken the verbiage straight from the law itself and have included the link for you to read yourself. Subsection (a) referred to below is the section taxing people for not having health insurance. This is an exemption for people who have a religious objection to health insurance. The only religion I have heard of that declares this officially is the Muslim faith. They don't believe in gambling or risk taking and therefore, paying for health insurance or the applicable tax for not being insured are against their tenets. I guess other religions that are against gambling could conceivably use the same argument. Quite frankly I think this should be grounds to have the law overturned by the Supreme Court since it is not uniform in its application and exempts a very small portion of the population. Anyway, read and share so this makes the rounds. This one they can't shoot down as right wing conspiracy theories since the idea came straight from the law itself and you just can't make this stuff up!

Item (5)(a) line 25 on page 299 through line 10 on page 300

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