(Please feel free to comment.)

Friday, December 14, 2012

100% Tax Rate?

What would a 100% income tax on all those who earn over $100 thousand amount to?  I'm not taking about a wimpy marginal rate, where one might tax only those dollars of income over $100 thousand (leaving the taxpayer $100 thousand).  No, I'm saying you find all those who made more than $100 thousand and take every last penny -- an absolute tax of 100%.

Check these facts out;

·       Our federal government alone is spending more than $10 billion a day.  A 100% confiscation of all income of those making more than $10 million would amount to less than 24 days of federal spending.

·       Confiscating 100% of all income from those who made over $1M funds the federal government for 72 days.

·       Confiscating 100% of the income from those who made more than $200K funds the federal government for only about six months.

·       The government spends $30 billion more than a 100% confiscation of the annual income of all Americans that reported more than $100K in income.

The bottom line is that we cannot fund our current levels of spending even if we make unrealistically charitable assumptions about taxpayer response to confiscatory tax rates and confiscate the entire annual income of every American who makes more than $100K.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Marriage Is A Rite NOT A Right!

I coined this phrase yesterday and I decided I would elaborate on this simple concept since it seems many can't grasp this. Now someone else may have coined this phrase before me but since I haven't heard it before I am claiming I coined it. The idea that something which has been a religious rite for thousands of years as a union between one man and one woman is actually an inalienable right, per the Constitution, to be afforded anyone even if they want to marry the same sex in spite of what the rite has always been, is patently stupid. A civil union will afford these people the same legal rights as a marriage and it allows the religious rite of marriage to remain between one man and one woman.

This isn't a matter of bigotry or somehow depriving someone of their rights. It isn't a right, it is a rite and falls under the separation of church and state. This is just another example of the attempt to establish a national religion.

You may scoff but let's look at a few ideas here. Religion may be defined as; a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. With that definition, atheism, or the elimination of belief systems acknowledging a supreme being, (or as the Declaration of Independence says; a divine Creator) is a religion that is being established by the Government, thus violating the first amendment of the Constitution namely that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Atheism is being established by courts throughout this country and the freedom of speech is being stifled and trampled upon every time someone is forced to remove the word God from a speech or poem they have written or when they can't recite the pledge of allegiance because that horrible word is in it.

The atheists that claim the right to be free of religion make that claim based on a document that says they have the right to vocalize that claim because the right was given to them by the very Creator they claim doesn't exist. My logical conclusion is that; if this Creator doesn't exist then they have no right to claim freedom from religion. Since they have just voided their "right" to complain about it they should just shut up! Too bad more people don't apply simple logic in their lives.

Anyway, please feel free to comment or complain about today's blog, but please keep it clean and keep it rational. Thank you.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

A.D.D. and Me (To drug or not to drug.)

Okay, Adult ADD speaking here. I was diagnosed as a "Hyperactive" child, this was the first term they used to label us. The verbiage has changed but the symptoms are the same. My Dad has been in social services for most of my life and was familiar with the only medicine used back then, Ritalin, and he didn’t like what he saw it do to the kids taking it. As a result he refused to have me medicated. He never told me I had a ‘disability’ either. I never knew until I was diagnosed as an adult with adult ADD. I was encouraged to take medication and I tried for awhile but was appalled by the lack of emotion I felt most of the time, I was just coasting through my days and nothing really touched me. What most people diagnosed with ADD really need is attention. Let me explain. Attention Deficit Disorder is an apt name because it describes both the signs and the treatment. The subject has difficulty focusing on any one thing, emotion or idea at a time. This difficulty is demonstrated through displaying a sense of irritation. This can often be helped by continued assistance from someone who will listen to what they have to say or in other words pays attention, you see this person has a deficit of attention. I had a mother who listened to me all the time and that was the best medicine I had as a youth. I now have the best wife in the world who listens to be all the time and that has kept me improving for the 13 years we have been married. When someone else is there and is understanding of the problem it makes the person who has it feel less guilty for mistakes they make and feel like all of their thoughts aren’t just drifting off into the ether sphere to never be heard or seen again these feelings are a large part of the aggravation they display. They can actually matter to someone even if that person can’t remember all of the things that are shared. This improves their confidence to accomplish tasks and their overall drive rises. Like any disability understanding is a large part of the battle and not feeling like it is your fault is most of the rest of the battle. Not feeling like others are purposely ignoring you helps greatly as well.

People with ADD have neurons in their brain that firing too fast to be caught by the receptors. Most of the drugs that are administered slow the firing process down. This will calm down your average patient but it will also remove a lot of his/her creativity. Don’t get me wrong I am not adverse to medication. I also have asthma and other ailments so I have been taking medicines all of my life. But there are some medicines that are classified as mood altering drugs. ADD meds are in this group because although the primary goal is not to alter the patient’s mood, is it a primary result of the medication.

Try some REAL effort with your child, listening and trying to understand what they are talking about. You will find that your bond with them will increase and their need to communicate all of the time will ease. If they have the hyperactive element of the problem then find ways to let them get outside a lot of the time to get rid of the excess energy. If they are old enough then talk to them teach them what is wrong and what you can do to help them. Teach them that they are special in many ways. Most people with ADD are actually more intelligent than those around them and part of their problem is that they feel lost when no one understands them. Try harder to get what they are saying and they will learn ways to communicate with you better. I will admit there are those who are so stricken with this ‘disorder’ that they simply cannot function in society without some chemical help. However, I do not believe most are in that boat. If you are hesitant to dope up your child you are right to feel that way. Most of the kids diagnosed these days are the way they are simply because we have TV’s and other forms of entertainment media raising our kids and the frustration of not being heard builds up and is demonstrated in ways that appear to be ADHD. A kid can’t talk to a TV or a video game and get the love and affection he/she needs.

Be the parent your child needs. Try it you might like it.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Are You Worried?

A man came from lowly beginnings. He dreamt of influencing people and guiding his own destiny. He believed he was guided by divinity, God, Jehovah, Allah, whomever you will. He was a speaker and a writer. He wrote his autobiography which helped him succeed financially. This man felt that America needed better leadership. Through his oratory skills he was able to excite crowds and motivate people to do what he wanted. He made it on the cover of Time magazine as person of the year. He rose to a position of authority. Many of the beliefs he espoused were deemed by large segments of the country to be socialism. Under his leadership national unemployment almost reached 10%. Through government intervention he revived the auto industry. He led the country during one of the greatest recessions it had ever seen. He eventually saw the people get back to work and the factories were flourishing. On his rise to power it was unearthed that he was born in another country. This fact was largely ignored since he had, by this time, gained control of the media through his charismatic ways and it just didn't matter………

His legacy is a blemish on mankind to this day……….

His name is; Adolf Hitler NOT Barak Obama. Are you suprised that they have so much in common? Are you worried that while you read this you were thinking I was talking about President Obama? You should be.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Muslims ARE Exempt From Paying For Healthcare!

Healthcare Turned On It's Head
The left managed to quiet this tidbit because the people making the accusations didn't do their homework and couldn't back their claims since the verbiage they were referring to didn't exist and wasn't in the document where they were referencing. I have taken the verbiage straight from the law itself and have included the link for you to read yourself. Subsection (a) referred to below is the section taxing people for not having health insurance. This is an exemption for people who have a religious objection to health insurance. The only religion I have heard of that declares this officially is the Muslim faith. They don't believe in gambling or risk taking and therefore, paying for health insurance or the applicable tax for not being insured are against their tenets. I guess other religions that are against gambling could conceivably use the same argument. Quite frankly I think this should be grounds to have the law overturned by the Supreme Court since it is not uniform in its application and exempts a very small portion of the population. Anyway, read and share so this makes the rounds. This one they can't shoot down as right wing conspiracy theories since the idea came straight from the law itself and you just can't make this stuff up!

Item (5)(a) line 25 on page 299 through line 10 on page 300

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Prayer

May God the Almighty continue to protect our freedoms by swaying the hearts of every God-fearing soul and those who have forgotten who He is, to the cause of securing our rights by voting for the man who can and will lead this country back from the brink of self-immolation. We must not give in to the belief that we are inferior to anyone. We may have much to do to be a more righteous people but we can and will if as we continue as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I pray that we may seek guidance and strength each day regardless of the outcome and may God always watch over this land from sea to shinning sea. AMEN! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Consequences of Today

I haven't posted in awhile due to the belief that not many are paying attention and it seems that other media sources seem to say what I am thinking rather well. For some reason I am wanting to bring to mind the concept of consequences.

Obama the Great: King Poser of the West
This basic idea is somewhat missing in today's society to the point that people actually have crying fits or get angry, sometimes even violent when they have to pay the price for their decisions. This creates a world where everyone is afraid to say anything for fear of upsetting someone around them. Right now this is on my mind because of what we as a nation have done to ourselves. We allowed ourselves to be duped by a poser because he was telling most people what they wanting to hear, "I have hope for you, the government will take care of you, if I am elected I will solve your problems, I will get us out of this recession". What has happened is things got worse.

This man never intended to help us become a stronger nation, from the get go he has wanted to redistribute all that America has to the rest of the world since in his ideology America had stolen everything from the rest of the world anyway.1 Well, how many countries did we help by rescuing the world during WWII? We even went into Japan and rebuilt the country after being forced to fight a war with them that we didn't want. Once we were done they owed us an awful lot of money that we forgave. How about the billions we send in foreign aid around the world? As a country we have taken the least from the rest of the world and given the most. The resource that has been the least appreciated and yet has been the most costly is the precious blood of American men and women in the battle for freedom around the world. So the viewpoint that we owe the world for all of the riches we have accumulated from our own industry, altruism and natural resources is sophomoric and represents a complete lack of understanding of the overall picture. Even the idea that the white man owes the black man something for all of the work they did as slaves can be debated by the fact that America was the first country that fought and died for the rights of all of its citizens to the point that we had a civil war over the issue.2 Freedom and equal rights for all are concepts that started in the US and have slowly crept around the world. Even after Britain and America had abolished slavery the African's were busy selling their brothers and sisters to other peoples for fun and profit. One of the biggest perpetrators of slavery in this world was and probably still is the people of Africa, although China has made huge inroads at being the biggest villain in the story.

This idea that Americans are arrogant stems from the fact that we love the world to the point of giving our lives and/or the lives of our fathers or spouses or sons or daughters for it and we feel that perhaps we have a little bit of a right to feel at home elsewhere and expect a little tolerance when we visit elsewhere.

Anyway, back to subject of consequences. Now there are people who are afraid that if the man they want to ask to fix things is elected we will see riots and other violence that has no place in the political process. There are blatant threats of this in public communications and even deaths threats against a presidential candidate which, by the way, are not being addressed or investigated as they would have been if they were against Obama while he was running for president.3

Anyway, this is what happens when people find the easiest path and are content to live it. Childhood is where the education needs to change. When I was a kid I knew the consequences of my actions and I could choose which consequence I wanted. In many cases it was to do as I was told and have the ability to go play or other activities or to be grounded and/or otherwise punished. The important point is that I was allowed to choose and I was taught that the result was something I chose when I chose my actions.
Children arguing with parents and adults is common place today. 
The modern child thinks it is okay to argue with a parent or adult. Today children are taught they can change consequences. As a result they cheating is okay as long as they don't get caught, they even think they can break the law and not be punished, afterall they see it on TV all of the time.

The difference is that the Lindsey Lohan's of this world have more money to stem off the results for a longer period of time and money influences other people who believe consequences should be subjective. Eventually, consequences will always find us.

Well, I believe I have expostulated long enough I hope that someday we as a people will rediscover our moral compasses, dust them off and find North again.