(Please feel free to comment.)

Friday, December 14, 2012

100% Tax Rate?

What would a 100% income tax on all those who earn over $100 thousand amount to?  I'm not taking about a wimpy marginal rate, where one might tax only those dollars of income over $100 thousand (leaving the taxpayer $100 thousand).  No, I'm saying you find all those who made more than $100 thousand and take every last penny -- an absolute tax of 100%.

Check these facts out;

·       Our federal government alone is spending more than $10 billion a day.  A 100% confiscation of all income of those making more than $10 million would amount to less than 24 days of federal spending.

·       Confiscating 100% of all income from those who made over $1M funds the federal government for 72 days.

·       Confiscating 100% of the income from those who made more than $200K funds the federal government for only about six months.

·       The government spends $30 billion more than a 100% confiscation of the annual income of all Americans that reported more than $100K in income.

The bottom line is that we cannot fund our current levels of spending even if we make unrealistically charitable assumptions about taxpayer response to confiscatory tax rates and confiscate the entire annual income of every American who makes more than $100K.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Marriage Is A Rite NOT A Right!

I coined this phrase yesterday and I decided I would elaborate on this simple concept since it seems many can't grasp this. Now someone else may have coined this phrase before me but since I haven't heard it before I am claiming I coined it. The idea that something which has been a religious rite for thousands of years as a union between one man and one woman is actually an inalienable right, per the Constitution, to be afforded anyone even if they want to marry the same sex in spite of what the rite has always been, is patently stupid. A civil union will afford these people the same legal rights as a marriage and it allows the religious rite of marriage to remain between one man and one woman.

This isn't a matter of bigotry or somehow depriving someone of their rights. It isn't a right, it is a rite and falls under the separation of church and state. This is just another example of the attempt to establish a national religion.

You may scoff but let's look at a few ideas here. Religion may be defined as; a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. With that definition, atheism, or the elimination of belief systems acknowledging a supreme being, (or as the Declaration of Independence says; a divine Creator) is a religion that is being established by the Government, thus violating the first amendment of the Constitution namely that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. Atheism is being established by courts throughout this country and the freedom of speech is being stifled and trampled upon every time someone is forced to remove the word God from a speech or poem they have written or when they can't recite the pledge of allegiance because that horrible word is in it.

The atheists that claim the right to be free of religion make that claim based on a document that says they have the right to vocalize that claim because the right was given to them by the very Creator they claim doesn't exist. My logical conclusion is that; if this Creator doesn't exist then they have no right to claim freedom from religion. Since they have just voided their "right" to complain about it they should just shut up! Too bad more people don't apply simple logic in their lives.

Anyway, please feel free to comment or complain about today's blog, but please keep it clean and keep it rational. Thank you.