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Monday, October 29, 2012

Consequences of Today

I haven't posted in awhile due to the belief that not many are paying attention and it seems that other media sources seem to say what I am thinking rather well. For some reason I am wanting to bring to mind the concept of consequences.

Obama the Great: King Poser of the West
This basic idea is somewhat missing in today's society to the point that people actually have crying fits or get angry, sometimes even violent when they have to pay the price for their decisions. This creates a world where everyone is afraid to say anything for fear of upsetting someone around them. Right now this is on my mind because of what we as a nation have done to ourselves. We allowed ourselves to be duped by a poser because he was telling most people what they wanting to hear, "I have hope for you, the government will take care of you, if I am elected I will solve your problems, I will get us out of this recession". What has happened is things got worse.

This man never intended to help us become a stronger nation, from the get go he has wanted to redistribute all that America has to the rest of the world since in his ideology America had stolen everything from the rest of the world anyway.1 Well, how many countries did we help by rescuing the world during WWII? We even went into Japan and rebuilt the country after being forced to fight a war with them that we didn't want. Once we were done they owed us an awful lot of money that we forgave. How about the billions we send in foreign aid around the world? As a country we have taken the least from the rest of the world and given the most. The resource that has been the least appreciated and yet has been the most costly is the precious blood of American men and women in the battle for freedom around the world. So the viewpoint that we owe the world for all of the riches we have accumulated from our own industry, altruism and natural resources is sophomoric and represents a complete lack of understanding of the overall picture. Even the idea that the white man owes the black man something for all of the work they did as slaves can be debated by the fact that America was the first country that fought and died for the rights of all of its citizens to the point that we had a civil war over the issue.2 Freedom and equal rights for all are concepts that started in the US and have slowly crept around the world. Even after Britain and America had abolished slavery the African's were busy selling their brothers and sisters to other peoples for fun and profit. One of the biggest perpetrators of slavery in this world was and probably still is the people of Africa, although China has made huge inroads at being the biggest villain in the story.

This idea that Americans are arrogant stems from the fact that we love the world to the point of giving our lives and/or the lives of our fathers or spouses or sons or daughters for it and we feel that perhaps we have a little bit of a right to feel at home elsewhere and expect a little tolerance when we visit elsewhere.

Anyway, back to subject of consequences. Now there are people who are afraid that if the man they want to ask to fix things is elected we will see riots and other violence that has no place in the political process. There are blatant threats of this in public communications and even deaths threats against a presidential candidate which, by the way, are not being addressed or investigated as they would have been if they were against Obama while he was running for president.3

Anyway, this is what happens when people find the easiest path and are content to live it. Childhood is where the education needs to change. When I was a kid I knew the consequences of my actions and I could choose which consequence I wanted. In many cases it was to do as I was told and have the ability to go play or other activities or to be grounded and/or otherwise punished. The important point is that I was allowed to choose and I was taught that the result was something I chose when I chose my actions.
Children arguing with parents and adults is common place today. 
The modern child thinks it is okay to argue with a parent or adult. Today children are taught they can change consequences. As a result they cheating is okay as long as they don't get caught, they even think they can break the law and not be punished, afterall they see it on TV all of the time.

The difference is that the Lindsey Lohan's of this world have more money to stem off the results for a longer period of time and money influences other people who believe consequences should be subjective. Eventually, consequences will always find us.

Well, I believe I have expostulated long enough I hope that someday we as a people will rediscover our moral compasses, dust them off and find North again.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Out of the Mouths of Babes

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans.
Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for little Johnny. The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different.
Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm not an Obama fan.' ...
The teacher asked, 'Why aren't you an Obama fan?'
Johnny said, 'Because I'm a Libertarian.'
The teacher asked him why he's a Libertarian.
Little Johnny answered, 'Well, my Mom's a Libertarian and my Dad's a Libertarian, so I'm a Libertarian.'
Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, 'If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?'
With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, 'That would make me an Obama fan.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Teenage Boy Scout Denied Organization's Top Rank Because He's Gay

I believe in tolerance. Tolerance does not mean acceptance or conformance. EVERYONE knows the policy against homosexual lifestyles beliefs, etc. within the BSA. Telling them they must change to show tolerance is ludicrous. This young man is now being held accountable for his actions. That is something this country is sorely lacking today; acceptance of consequences. This is a quote from the article that most of the complainers seem to have missed; "This scout proactively notified his unit leadership and Eagle Scout counselor that he does not agree to scouting's principle of 'Duty to God' and does not meet scouting's membership standard on sexual orientation," The BSA adroitly made this statement. "Agreeing to do one's 'Duty to God' is a part of the scout Oath and Law and a requirement of achieving the Eagle Scout rank." How can you expect to be awarded an honor from an organization that you purposefully told you don’t believe in the principles for which they stand? Additionally, and even more to the point, why do you even want to be given that honor if you don’t believe in what it stands for? Lay off haters!